Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Describe the Triple Constraint. What Are the Three Components and What is the Relationship Between Them?

The Triple Constraint is the idea that you have three governing factors in a Project and that you must balance each one to fit a perfect plan. If one of these three things, the Time, Cost, or Scope, need to be increased, then the other two must decrease. It is a delicate balance act that is performed by managers. Time refers to the amount of time and resources you are able to spend on the project. Cost is the amount of money and man power you are willing to use on the project. Scope is how specified the project is, IE are you programming an entire application, or just part of it. As previously stated, if one goes up, usually others go up or down relative to it. So if there is more time spent on the project, the cost will go up due to paying workers. If the scope gets smaller, the cost may go down and time may go down because you are not focusing on all the little thing.


  1. I. Hate. Scope. Creep.

    With that aside, I'm of the opinion the triple constraint is a flawed concept in that it doesn't include quality as intrinsic to the project. It encourages a limited outlook without keeping the final quality of the project in mind.

  2. Good. If Sope increases, Time and Costs increase therefore all go up or down together. Pf. Forman
